Part of planning this trip included booking campsites for places dispersed or wild camping is not allowed. A few of the places we wanted to go could be booked 6 or 12 months before the date of arrival, while others opened reservations during a certain time of the year. We set calendar reminders a year or two in advance so we could get up early and claim a prime spot. While we were being pretty meticulous, an error occurred. We accidentally booked two campsites for our first night on the road. Whoops!
Since Kirk Creek in Big Sur is a must for us and is our second stop, we had to change the day we left. So, we are leaving one day earlier than we originally planned. Thankfully, the mistake was made early enough that we were able to make other arrangements for our first night out, and it didn't affect the rest of the trip. I am also thankful for my sweet cousin and her husband who are letting us stay with them our first night! They live outside of Los Angeles, so our second day is going to be a little longer than originally planned, but it'll still all work out just fine.
Seeing my family is a special treat that is only possible because of an error in our calculations. I am trying to take this as a learning experience that if things don't go exactly as planned, it just means there is an opportunity to make things even better than anticipated.